I Hate Seeing People I Love Being Lied To
I really hate it when I see people I care for taken advantage of. I hate it when they are being subtly lied to. When the deceit takes advantage of their trust. When their innermost hopes and fears are...
View ArticleDear Believer, Please Fight the Urge to Shun and Manipulate Your Loved Ones!
An icicle of the Fridge recently posted the following in a private group: Woke up this morning, just after 9am. Noticed the door was closed. It’s never closed. Get up and start to walk down stairs,...
View ArticleReligious Blinders
I love the iconic Stephen Spielberg helmed science fiction film, Minority Report. The concept of a cop whose job is to arrest murderers before they commit their crimes, and then has to go on the run...
View ArticleWho Moved My Marriage?
So I wrote on this topic a year ago last March. Bringing up a popular book called Who Moved My Cheese and gently prophesying as follows; “Maybe, just maybe these guys are as wrong about what God wants...
View ArticleGuilt and Shame for Being Normal
Many Mormons believe they have been told by God, through His modern prophets and apostles, what things they should and should not do. Deviation from these tings is considered sin. What Mormons often...
View ArticleWhat Jesus Said
If you follow my blog, you know that I often am inspired by a certain Mr. Trimble to respond to the stuff he posts. “Why?” You ask. Because I know for a fact my parents and many members of my previous...
View ArticleRemember To Have Tolerance And Love For Our Mormon Neighbors
I just read this announcement from the LDS church in regards to the gay marriage stuff. I’d been thinking about an appropriate response when I stumbled onto this nearly perfectly made point on social...
View ArticleTrust Your Feelings
I still remember it, the summer of 1977. As Luke’s x-wing sped toward destiny, Obi-Wan’s voice reminds him to ‘trust your feelings’ and to ‘use the force.’ That hit eight-year-old me pretty hard. As a...
View ArticleNaked Shoulders And Sex In Heaven
“Today is the first day I’ve worn a tank top and not had my mother’s words in my head telling me I look like a “whore” or a “bitch in heat.” Actually, I feel kind of cute! Which is good, because I’m...
View ArticleStealing Your Self Worth, The Psychology Of Obedience
So this morning I was talking to my wife about religious beliefs, the conversation started because I asked her if she felt persecuted because I make fun of religion and religious beliefs and even...
View ArticleRowe Rowe Rowe Your Boat
So I’ve been kind of watching this Julie Rowe stuff unfold. It is facinating when you think about it. Here is a person that wrote a book to share a message she got from talking to God…hmm, now why...
View ArticleMarriage = Apostasy
The newest LDS church handbook has an update that stood out to those in the know enough that it is making the rounds in Mormon and ExMormon circles. Here is what it says: (screen shot procured from...
View ArticleThe Secret Rules of Doctrine, Something Needs to Change
In an effort to become a mainstream religion the church of the Fridge will adopt a secret rule book that only the leaders get to read. Of course it is by this rule book that all members will be judged....
View ArticleMourning with France and 100 Other Nations
While I mourn with France today, I have been reminded that I selectively express my mourning for grievous events in Western civilization. I tend to be more emotionally affected by tragedies in Western...
View ArticleConfidence Man
Just a bit ago, I had someone tell me that people just didn’t con the people back in the 1800s, that is why I shouldn’t be skeptical of Joe Smith when he started a fraudulent bank or charged people for...
View ArticleOn Worthiness and Respect
Often when I point out the problems with believing in religion, particularly in the more specific cases like killing because ‘God said so’ or coercing young teens into marriage under penalty of eternal...
View ArticleDear Mormon parents, tread lightly, your gay kids are listening.
Dear Mormon Friends, I appreciate your loving, compassionate words and the way you have reached out to me. I love you and will always love you. I understand that for someone who loves the church and...
View ArticleMission Impossible, why so many need to believe
One of my favorite lines in a movie: ‘Mission Commander Swanbeck: Mr. Hunt, this isn’t mission difficult, it’s mission impossible. “Difficult” should be a walk in the park for you.’ Better yet, watch...
View ArticleIt’s The Little Things
It’s the little things that testify to me me the Fridge is true. The reality is the Light of the Fridge is given to everyone. For the Fridge giveth to all freely and is no respecter of persons. Don’t...
View ArticleIf I Meet God
One question that every atheist has gotten when an a-athiest (think about the double negative!) discovers their disbelief goes something like this. What if you’re wrong? What will you say to God when...
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